Digital marketing
Online visibility is essential today. Every day, millions of users interact and communicate on online channels, social media and e-commerce platforms. Inspira takes care of creating a strategy that will make you stand out in the boundless world of the web and establish yourself in the best suited to your business virtual places.
Social Strategy
social strategy
Salviamo il Pianeta project, supported by Enegan Luce and Gas, was created with the aim of making known the most fragile and uncontaminated places on Earth and spreading all those practices that can change our habits and lifestyles in a more ecological and sustainable way. With the objectives of increasing the engagement and the social pages community, we have created a content strategy directed towards highly engaging contents. We realized a series of columns dedicated to the hottest topics and in-depth analysis on the environmental topic; moreover, we activated paid media campaigns in order to strengthen brand awareness. #gofurther the traditional communication and save the planet!